la tela da viaggio
Hat, scarf and red socks, without which it wouldn’t be Des Pawson.
Des Pawson is one of the world’s leading authorities on knots and sailors’ ropework.
A passion for the knots he has cultivated from childhood.
Des is cofounder of IGKT, awarded by Queen Elizabeth for the research and dissemination of knots.
He lives in Ispwich, East Anglia, a lovely town with typical British order. Red brick house, small lawn and garden in the back.
Right here, in the fascinating quiet of his garden, Des has a small but specialized museum.
It is almost touching when he shows us a few inches of string dating back to 1545, belonging to the Mary Rose, or the first edition of “The Big Book of Knots ” with a dedication from the author, Ashley, to her personal hero.
In the days spent together we have seen and learned a lot and there is much left in my heart.
Before returning home we decide to visit a couple of places in London and Greenwich. The cold, and maybe the smoke from the coal fired home furnaces, sent flames in my throat and gave me a fever. We could not help but observe the comings and goings of Haredi from the window of Goldengreen pension.